21st June 2018

Someone’s not going to sleep that night.

Sadly, here ends the expedition to the Haunted House. With full bags and the will to come back! Not too bad.

I’m so chuffed that new readers are letting me know how much they enjoy reading Bookwyrms! I’ve been asked what’s the best way to donate/help the comic, so here’s a list of the ways in which you can currently help Bookwyrms be produced and printed:

📨 Newsletter – http://eepurl.com/cFEHif

Subscribing to the comic’s newsletter helps me a lot more than you may think, because I can’t expect to succeed at a crowdfunding campaign to print the comic if I don’t know somehow that enough people are interested in having a printed edition. Basically: if you would like to have a printed Bookwyrms comic, this is the way to let me know (and also to make sure you’ll get a notification when the campaign is live!).

☕️ Ko-fi –

A place to donate any amount you may wish to support the comic.

🖼 Gumroad –

The shop where support wallpapers are available for any amount you wish to donate.

🙃 You! Simply spreading the word about the comic and sharing it with people you think might be interested is a huge help and I deeply appreaciate it ^^


As ever, thank you so very much everyone for your support, for your kind words, and for sharing your enthusiasm with me. It makes all the difference.