25th January 2018

Have you ever visited a “haunted house”? It’s amazing how frightening a place can be the moment you believe there’s something strange going on in it. Or maybe it’s just me. I’m afraid even in my own house, if the lights go off. In any case, Rogier and Suzzen seem to be getting to something!

Last character playlists available (at least for now): Hedy and Kveld

The whole main cast has playlists now! I might do some more for secondary characters in the future (I’m pretty sure I will) but I’m stopping here for now. I hope you enjoyed them!

So, here are the playlists:

🎶 Kveld’s Playlist (Spotify)
🎶 Hedy’s Playlist (Spotify)

🎶 Kveld’s Playlist (Deezer)
🎶 Hedy’s Playlist (Deezer)

Here’s the preview for the lists: